📣CashCow Protocol Weekly Report🐮

Find out about the advances of CashCow Protocol 🐮

CashCow Protocol
4 min readNov 21, 2021

🟢 General Summary 🟢

This was a very important week for all CashCow Protocol community as the family of Legendary Members of the community expanded with the acquisition of the CashCow Genesis NFT.

The CashCow Genesis NFT were released for sale yesterday and there will only be 100 of these Genesis NFT in the protocol (About Genesis NFT), for the time being 80 of them already have their owner becoming a Legendary Community Member, the remaining 20 are still available for purchase on AirNFT Marketplace at a price of 2 BNB.

For this reason, we would like to congratulate and thank the community for the journey together and welcome to the new Legendary Members of the CashCow Protocol community.

We continue to increase the number of members in the social networks in a remarkable way, we overcame by far the goals set for stage 2 of the roadmap.

Having implemented the last objective of stage 2, the distribution of the CashCow Genesis NFT, we can definitively close this stage.

Therefore, we will start with the necessary activities to achieve the objectives of stage 3 of the roadmap in a timely manner.

Also, as always, we would like to congratulate the entire CashCow Protocol team and the community for their excellent work and constant support.

🟡 About the Community 🟡
🔶Some general statistics (7d) of our main social networks🔶
▪️ Telegram in English Members: 7240 (-1.5%) ⬇️
▪️ Telegram in Spanish Mermbers: 5240 (+10%) ⬆️
▪️ Members on the Discord server: 6115 (+3%)⬆️
▪️ Followers on Twitter in English: 7654 (+60%) ⬆️

🔴 Statistics of Cashcow Token 🔴
▪️ Máx Supply: $ 2,000,000 COW (100%)
▪️ Burn Address: 1,103,443 $COW (55%)
▪️ Total Supply: 896,557 $COW (45%)
▪️ Holders:8,506 (+3% 7d)⬆️

🟣 Marketing activities 🟣

Some activities during the past week were:

▪️ We were listed on BSCProject and DApp.com.

▪️ We continued with our influencer marketing strategy both on Twitter, YouTube and TikTok.

▪️Flash Giveaway for CashCow Genesis NFT holders who earned an NFT before 02:00 UTC on November 21. 2 prizes of 200,000 MILK each were awarded.

Some of the activities that will take place over the course of the next week will be:

▪ More videos on YouTube and streaming on Twitch.

▪️ Advertising and outreach through other digital media. Advertising and broadcasting campaign on digital media such as Facebook, Instagram and TikTok.

▪ Collaborations with Twitter, Instagram and TikTok influencers.

▪️ We will continue to carry out activities, sweepstakes and games on an ongoing basis.📲

🟠 Roadmap Development 🟠
With the launch of the Genesis NFTs, Stage 2 of the Roadmap was completed.

We begin Stage 3, the objectives are as follows:

🟠 Staking Dapp 🟠
MILK Token Burning:️ The fifth $MILK burning has taken place, 376,758 $MILK have been burned this time, leaving a total of 2,811,826 $MILK burned to date. BSCScan Tx.

Halving: as planned in the whitepaper there will be a 50% decrease in the MILK emission rate on November 23 at 18:00 UTC. The amount of MILK produced per block will decrease from 90 MilkPerBlock to 45 MilkPerBlock.

🟠 Partnership 🟠
We are pleased to announce that during the course of the week we will introduce the new partner of CashCow Protocol, a blockchain project of decentralized finance which has its own Swap and Farms, it is in full development and with a promising future.

🟠 Audit 🟠
The funds raised from the sale of the CashCow Genesis NFT will already allow us to hire the best company dedicated to auditing smart contracts. We will get started on that later this week.

🔵 Others 🔵
Referral Program: the announcement was already made through our social networks and also the complete delivery of the prizes to those who have correctly complied with the program and who have not abused it.

Best regards, CashCow Protocol team

Social Networks

▪️Twitter [ENGLISH]

▪️ Telegram Announcement Channel [Global]
▪️ Telegram
Chat Group [EN]
▪️ Telegram
Chat Group [SP]
▪️ Telegram
Chat Group [PORT]

▪️Discord Server [Global]

▪️Medium [ENGLISH]




CashCow Protocol

Community driven project with the vision of creating a positive impact in people’s lives by being a trusted and long term investment.